Our team will schedule a meeting with you via phone, video call, or on site. Our focus will be on understanding what the vision is for your exterior living space with keeping things like essentials, requirements, and budget in mind.
After our initial meeting, we’ll send a design services proposal for review and signature. This will list what you can come to expect throughout the duration of the project. Once signed, a deposit will be sent, and we’ll begin to work on your new design.
Gathering information relevant to your specific residence is a critical first step to beginning the design process. We’ll devote time to studying existing site conditions, topography, architect plans, community/city guidelines, etc. Once we have a good grasp on the parameters we can work within, we’ll begin the conceptual phase.
We’ll use the intel collected from our consultation and site research to create a conceptual base for your new design. Your lead designer will send an initial plan for review and schedule revision meetings as necessary to make changes to your design. The goal in this stage is to get a solid direction on the most important parts of your project.
With your input considered, our team will begin working towards a construction ready set of plans. These plans will consist of information that will outline the scope of work for the project. This will allow you to begin collecting pricing from contractors to execute construction.